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Video: Long-term care insurance - DFSIN - SFL

Video: Long-term care insurance

Life expectancy has increased significantly in recent decades. Unfortunately, with age, the risk of needing care on a daily basis also increases. Purchasing long-term care insurance is a simple gesture that can make a big difference.

December 14, 2017

Although it’s a scenario that we all prefer to avoid thinking about, it’s important to consider this possibility to reduce the impact that such a change could have on your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Video: Long-term care insurance

Life expectancy has increased significantly in recent decades. Unfortunately, with age, the risk of needing care on a daily basis also increases.

Although it’s a scenario that we all prefer to avoid thinking about, it’s important to consider this possibility to reduce the impact that such a change could have on your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Purchasing long term care insurance is a simple gesture that can make a big difference in the event of a loss of independence.

In these circumstances, it’s not uncommon for relatives to become caregivers. For them, this new situation can have big repercussions: work absences, unexpected expenses, in addition to living with additional stress. Depending on the type of coverage you choose, your insurance may provide your caregivers with access to the necessary financial support for your care.

Enjoying life in a specialized care facility or benefiting from the visit of a nurse at home are also among the advantages of this insurance, while avoiding the financial burden.

Long term care insurance can easily be put in place with the help of your financial security advisor.

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A DFSIN advisor will be happy to explore the subject with you.